Why Hillary Won't Quit

I have been trying to keep up with the political landscape as much as possible. Especially after my major endorsement and donation. Im really trying to stayin the know with the candidates this year. Not just on the national scene but locally as well.

Here we are in the month of May and we still have no clear cut Dem vs Rep battle in place yet.

From all the primaries thus far, Hillary has a better chance winning a Vibe award than she does winning the nomination. Obama has won more primaries, more popular votes (despite the Florida/Michigan votes that Hillary is trying to claim) and is chipping away at her "superdelegate" count as each day goes by. She is lacking in funds, and has no real strategy to win other than bring up the short comings (how frivolous they may be) of Barack.

So with all of this against her, why wont she do the obvious and throw her support towards the likely nominee so that we can take the White House back? I have thought about it long and hard. And while this may be out in left field, think about:

She wants Obama to lose to McCain.

Hillary is still technically running for an office she has no way of winning. Asking for donations. Burning up miles in my home state of NC. But in my opinion she is doing this to sabotage Obama's campaign. McCain is basically campaigning against Obama for free. All of her attacks against him are adding ammunition to McCain's efforts.

So why is she doing it?

Well, lets think about it?

Lets say Hillary conceded back in March when the tide really turned. Back when her and Chelsea were ducking imaginary sniper fire. Barack's sole focus would be on attacking McCain. And given 8months of hand shaking and town-hall meetings and kissing babies, Obama would, more than likely, been able to sway enough people to his side.

Obama is the president until 2012.

And come 2011, re-election starts blowing in the wind. And who do you think the Democratic Party will throw their support behind? Obama again. Meanwhile Hillary is sitting in her NY mansion, after losing her seat in the Senate. Getting up every morning, making eggs and french toast for Bill. She would have to wait until 2016 until she got another legitimate shot at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And at her age, she will look a WHOLE lot worse in 8 years than she does now. Not saying she is a dime (far from it), but she kinda reminds you of your English teacher in high school, that tried to be "down" with everybody. But in 8 years, she will be more like the lunch room lady that smells.

But lets flip the script. Back to the present day.

Hillary continues with her fight. Hanging on to a long shot. Taking the fight all the way to the Democratic Convention in August. Splitting the party (and the nation for that matter) in half based on race. Because, lets face it, the more this race goes on, the blacker Barack is starting to look to the world. By the time August gets her, Hillary will be comparing him to the DC Sniper, days of bickering, more race cards being pulled, and more Rev wright nonsense. Its gonna get ugly. All taking place in front of the cameras. And the bad thing about is that Obama has to go through it.

Meanwhile John McCain, quietly slips into the White House because Hillary has painted Obama to be a re-incarnation of Elijah Muhammad and the good ol boys aint having it.

Then, after 4 years, when the country is in no better shape and troops are still in Iraq and death toll is reaching 5 digits, in swoops "Wonder Woman Clinton" whose whole campaign will be about fixing the mess that John McCain refused to. Hell, at that point, who wouldnt vote her? And poor Obama will try to run again, but Hillary's response to that would be "You couldnt beat him the first time"..even though it would be her fault for his loss.

Its a plot yall. And there aint a damn thing we can do, but watch it unfold, because that silly ho (and her hillbilly husband) are determined to get back in the WHite House....

(in the voice of Malcolm X)...BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!!

.....but i could be wrong

*This post in no way shape or form changes who, Im pulling for...i just think Hillary is a bitch and needs to sit down!!!*

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