Dude, You're getting a Dell....maybe not

Sorry fam..you brought this on yourself

The STUPIDITY of the human race never ceases to amaze me.

Thats why I have the DVR to record TruTV every Sunday from 7pm -10pm....COPS!!!!

I love watching ig'nant (i know its not a word, but work with me) folks try to wiggle their way out of obeying the law. The blatant lies, the high speed chases, and the physical altercations make for good damn tv. The whole "World's dumbest Criminals" genre is starting to grow on me as well. Again, the level of stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

Well, i am sure Chloe Brown is on the road to TruTV fame....


Taken from my local newspaper:

Police charged a Cary woman with illegally purchasing two laptop computers that were billed to the chief justice of the state Supreme Court, according to a search warrant made public this morning.

Chloe Yvonne Brown, 49, of 110 S. Atley Lane was charged by police on April 3 with one felony count of obtaining property by false pretenses, according to the City-County Bureau of Identification.


This FOOL contacted Dell and told them that she was an official with the NC Supreme Court and needed 2 laptops. She was able to produce a phony purchase order and Dell sent her the laptops. The folks at Dell, in an effort to collect payment, contacted Chief Justice Sarah Parker for payment. Naturally she had no clue about the purchase, so being a F***in' JUDGE, she turned the matter over to the authorities, who subsequently track down Ms. Brown. They rewarded her with a pair of shiny interlocking bracelets and chauffeured her ass to the county lockup.

Now you may ask yourself "This almost seems like she should have gotten away with it, how did she get caught"

Ms. Brown, being the mastermind that she is, has the laptops delivered TO HER HOUSE!!!!!
How much investigative work do you thinks the cops had to do to find her. It was harder to find an airplane at the airport, than it was for them to track her stupid ass down. Why would she have it sent to her house, yall? Why not a PO box? You know those types at the UPS store, Ship-on-site, Mailbox, etc would have been perfect. She could have given some BS personal info, given Dell the shipping info and after it was delivered, got her shit and bounced. I'm sure those places make you produce some sort of ID, but damn. She should have put more obstacles in between her and the cops other than her front door!!!

What gets me is that of all the fraudulent schemes she could have come up, WHY WOULD YOU INVOLVE A JUDGE?!?!?!

A supreme court Justice...the Chief Justice.

Thats like stealing Clarence Thomas's credit card and going to Vegas on it. You know you are going to get caught. What happens in Vegas aint gonna stay in Vegas, and what happens in Cary, NC ends up on my blog, dammit!!

And that's not the worst of it people.

You wanna know the absolute worst???

Do ya?



I know her...very well!!!!

Lets just say there have been "family" functions that we both have attended.Imagine my surprise when I open up the paper, or turn on the TV and see Cousin Chloe looking back at me (she aint my cousin) because she wanted laptop.

Chloe, I work on computers all day, err-day. I could have hooked you up. All you had to do was ask.

I guess my 10% discount pales in comparison to the ever popular 5-finger discount.

And I'm not proud of the fact..and to be honest, I'm not embarrassed either. Its kinda funny...no...its f***king hilarious. There are some mental issues at work here.

It took this story to bring me out of hiding. As you may have noticed, its been awhile since i posted, but i had to hit this one up.

Thanks to Double S for bringing this to my light.


Cary Woman Had Laptops Billed to NC Chief Justice

2 Puffs. Leave yours here.:

Anonymous said...

Seeing someone you know, on the BIG Screen that's NOT in a movie or commercial, but the evening news and local papers is always a SHOCKER. my 1st thoughts were NO way.. maybe someone sold her some hot lap tops from the corner barber shop.. BUT oh no.. She actually had her hot items delivered to her HOME.. What a shame. i just would have NEVER thought she would get herself into a mess like this.. Especially pretending to THE Chief Justice ordering up COMPUTERS.. MY MY.MY... i admit if she were a youth i could understand, not thinking of the consequence or actions, just being risking and saying what the heck.. BUT AS AN ADULT.. 40yrs old.. OH WE know right from WRONG... and this was just WRONG... this was no small Wal-Mart gum or photo pictures stealing.. this was false impersonation of the Chief Justice, supreme court Justice.

Double S

AverageBro.com said...

Awful. Just awful.

Good to see you back, cuz!