Just Plain Crazy

On my way in to work, I always notice the personalized license plates scattered everywhere. The vanity of people never ceases to amaze me. You get ones like JMANDTM...obviously husband and wife (or husband and husband!!!) Then you get clever ones like OBX.CALM, or plain ones like LUCY1, religious ones like BBLESSED (actual plates). I am sure people try to get as vague as possible just to cram those 8 letters in there. Now they have the plates where you can get your favorite team/ civic organization or charity on your plate.

Being a member of a fraternal organization, i have considered purchasing a vanity plate (appropriately titled), but then I thought, why bother. Who really gives a damn if you like Florida State, or if you wanna save the turtles or you are a Mason?

I dont.

This morning I saw the following plate:


I kept thinking about that plate and since I was stuck in traffic, I got the chance to study the vehicle it was attached to.

Pickup truck, with racing stickers all over it.


Then it hits me

WE MSU #3 = We miss you Dale Earnhardt


What in the hell would possess someone to actually pay for a license plate just to pay homage to a dead stock car driver. This man has been gone for 6-7 years and while his death was tragic, this type of behavior shows the lunacy of this country. I mean really, allhe did was drive a car in a circle, albeit at 200mph, but still...

I have seen people decorate their cars with all kinds of bullshit just show their eternal mourning of "The Intimidator" . Halos sitting on top his # is sad

And in my research into this subject, i found this little gem.


People just wont let it go.

I wish I could call the driver of that truck. Conversation would go something like this.

#3 Fan: Hello

#3: Heeelllloooooooo (in ghostly voice)...Its meeeee...the intimidatooooooor. I haaaaave a message for yooooooou......

#3 Fan: Yes???? Oh Great One!!!!

#3: Get a liiiiiiiiiiife you retaaaaaaaaaard

Whatever happened to R.I.P.?

I know i sound insensitive. But f-it. The man is dead and you cluttering up the back of your car to show your love for Dale Earnhardt is stupid. And guess what, if you are in your car, YOU CANT EVEN SEE IT!!!!

And not to sound racial but aside from Tupac and Biggie, you just dont see the same type of behavior in the balck community. I cant imagine someone trying to cram "Remember Walter Payton" on a bumper sticker

or wearing a T-Shirt that says "Sachel Paige-Gone but not forgotten"

We just dont do that.

And dont get me started on Elvis.....

3 Puffs. Leave yours here.:

Anonymous said...

my better half and i were just speaking of this very action on the license tags. i saw a car (2007Lexis) with the tags: RIP MOM.. You think mom's death insurance paid off the car note?

Anonymous said...

Its not your car, its theirs. That being said they should be able to pay their respects to whomever they want, in whatever way they want. If it bothers you that much... don't look :)

Anonymous said...

I feel you 100 %, ahhh the psychosis that surrounds us...as for the previous comment-->likewise, this is balogger's blog--if he so chooses to bitch about the stuff, let him...after all, if it bothers you enough to leave condescending comments, don't look ;-)
Peace&Love :P