Put your money where your mouth is

I am committed now.

For the first time in my 35+ years on this blue-green planet of ours, I watched a presidential debate from beginning to end. And after listening to the commentary afterwards, this particular debate lacked some of the fireworks of previous ones.

I was still impressed.

Both candidates were able to reach me on some level. I really believe a democrat will be in the Oval Office next January. My money, literally, is on Obama.

I have just contributed 2,680.62 Yen (do the math) to put Obama in the white house. I signed up for his newsletter too ( i probably wont read it though). Thats how much the debate last night moved me.

Even though I know this wont be reported on CNN....

Full of Hot Air publicly endorses Sen. Barak Obama for President!!!

Not exactly breaking news and my 17 loyal readers probably dont care either. But I get a good feeling listening to him. I even had a good laugh at his whole "Bus in the ditch" statement referring to the Iraq war.

One thing that bothered me about Hillary last night was how she kept trying to manipulate the entire debate. Complaining about being asked the first questions, talking over the moderators and Obama, and just being a whining bitch. The text-book definition of a control freak. She came off as being desperate to prove her point. Obama was cool the entire time, even when Sillary Clinton was outright calling him a liar. I loved it.

In an effort to stay in know, occasionally I listen to Rush Limbaugh on my local talk radio station. Even though the guy is nuttier than a can of planters, he does keep you up to date on the happenings in the political arena. I was listening to him today and believe it or not, he actually encourages his listeners to vote AGAINST Sillary. Thats how much they despise her. I guess when they weighed their options of who they want to bitch about over the next 4 years (The bitch or the "boy") they chose Obama...and an excellent choice they made. So thanks to all you Right-Wing, ultra-conservative, rush babies. Its time to hang up those hooded sheets and join the rest of us in the 21st century.

I hope my 2600 Yen gets put to good use. Maybe I can convince him to let me interview him for this blog!!!

Yeah right...

Obama in 08!!!

1 Puffs. Leave yours here.:

Anonymous said...

.. $25.67 huh... well that makes a great pledge Contribution.... more than what some may want to or have contributed. This debate brings me to the last episode of the Wire.. it's amazing how much game play there is in politics.