Where in the f^ck have you been?

Greetings.....no one!!!!

If anyone reads this, it has to be because you are trying to see every web page on the net. My loyal readers have long since dissipated. And now, this blog just sits gathering dust
You may be saying, "Mr. Balogger, why the absence??". Well to be honest, I have been like Cain in Kung Fu.
I have been scouring the web, checking out different blogs. Basically trying to re-discover my cyber-self.

I enjoyed writing in the blog, but I didnt feel like the direction I was trying to take was right for me. My cousin over AverageBro.com is a phenomenal writer, who actually has written a book. He pushed me to get back to blogging after my Journey to Iraq. But I felt like this blog was just a cheap knockoff, a ghetto version if you will, of his blog. Not saying that I was writing about the same things that he was, but I was trying to be a reporter of sorts with respect to things happening in the media.

I'm no reporter. Not by a long shot.

So I went back and read some of my better posts. You know what I found out? I write best about personal experiences. My take on pyramid schemes, my phobia of flying insects, and experiences with company pot-lucks were some of my better posts. Everyday experiences. Shit that happens to us regular folk. Thats my thing. I see shit everyday that I could probably write about 10" (no homo) worth of material for you guys. I could spend another post dissin' myself for using the term "no homo". I haven't really learned the ins and outs of how it applies.

I spent over a year writing about my life in Baghdad. Getting there, living there and dealing with all the bullshit. It was supposed to be kind of like a diary...I told people that if I ever got blown up, they could read about me, but I really started it because my memory is shitty. I went back and read and laughed my ass off. And if you can laugh at yourself (or something you wrote about your self), then you must be on to something....or on your way to a mental institution. But that's the kind of stuff that I enjoy writing about.
I like making people laugh, so, after checking out What would Thembi Do, I found a site called humor-blogs.com. From there I checked out different websites, things that the cyber community thought was funny. Some of the stuff out there was horrible (a lot of it to be honest) and some of it was down right hilarious. (15minutelunch.com)

I had thought about just scrapping "Full of Hot Air", and start with a new site. But why bother. I can just re-organize what I got. Reminds me of the old Chris Rock routine, "Commitment or New P*ssy". I need to commit to "Full of Air". I can do this, but I have to be myself and write about myself and the crazy shit i see on the regular.

So, look for some changes...soon!

And if you dont like the new "Full of Hot Air", well....




....thanks ladies

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