Election Rehab

I dont think I am alone in saying this. This was the most exciting election cycles ever. From the knock-down drag out Democratic Primaries, to the knock-down drag-out Nationals, we saw it all. And I was right there.

At the expense of this blog, and 3.2 loyal readers (including myself) I pretty much stopped blogging. I was too wrapped up in the political process (that and my company just merged with another and we have been swamped). But things have settled down and now I can get back to you.

I have a few minor election-related things I wanted to bring up. For those of you that didnt catch my election night thoughts/reactions, check out yesterday's post.

Here is the photo that just totally pissed me off Tuesday.

What the f**k are you doing all that damn crying for!?!?!

Dont get me wrong.

As soon as it was announced on CNN, tears were streaming down my face as well. It was an emotional moment, but this dumbass cried the whole time Obama was giving his acceptance speech. Everytime they showed him, I thought back to this moment.

I guess it was your nuts that got cut, Mr. Jackson.

Maybe Mr. HymieTown feels like Obama stole his thunder from 1984/1988.

That could have been you Jesse!!! But you lost....twice

Thats what you get for not shaking my hand when I was in college at that homecoming game, you jerk!!!!

That fool walked right in front of my outstretched hand and didnt even acknowledge me!!!

Ok..I feel better now.

Moving on...

Iggnent Radio listeners

I was listening to the radio this morning. The host read an email from a listener (obvious disgruntled republican) who is gonna refuse to refer to Barack as President Obama and instead call him "Community organizer-in-Chief Obama".

Pretty petty, right?

Now get this.

This same genius emailed the same host a month ago, to chastise him for not referring to the current White House occupant as "President Bush".

As my cousin would say, Pot, meet kettle.

Black Republicans

My father is a Proud Black Republican, which makes me.....embarrassed sometimes. I sent him a link to my post yesterday, to which he replied "I wish him all the luck and best wishes. He has his hands full".

Nice come back, pops.

I have something to say to all you "Black Republicans".

How ya like me now!?!?!

Nutty Palin

Apparently, ol SayRuh wasnt exactly the apple of McCains eye. Among the several leaked stories going around today was one about her being difficult to prep for interviews.
Palin was apparently a nightmare for her campaign staff to deal with. She refused preparation help for her interview with Katie Couric and then blamed her staff, specifically Nicole Wallace, when the interview was panned as a disaster. After the Couric interview, Fox News reported, Palin turned nasty with her staff and began to accuse them of mishandling her. Palin would view press clippings of herself in the morning and throw "tantrums" over the negative coverage. There were times when she would be so nasty and angry that her staff was reduced to tears.

Sad McCain Supporters

Not much to say here. A picture truly is worth a thousand words.
And in closing, not only are McCain supporters pissed about the elections. President Bush's dog Barney is taking his aggression out on the media.

What do you think Lil' Gary?

*Greetings to any first time visitors. Be sure to check out my other articles, too. Best place to start is over there on the right under "My Favorite Posts". Thats the best of the best

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