Here we go again.
I am one of the last ones to have a clearly defined political stance. If you ask me who i am going to vote for in my local elections, my usual response will be, "who's running" if it would make a difference if i KNEW who was running.
I try to keep up with the national elections, simply because its thrust in my face on a 24/7 basis. But truth be told, i am not really "in the know" with the whole political scene.
But, this recent announcement has gotten my attention:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Ralph Nader is entering the presidential race as an independent, he announced Sunday, saying it is time for a "Jeffersonian revolution."
Nader's decision, which did not come as a surprise to political watchers, marks his fourth straight White House bid -- fifth if his 1992 write-in campaign is included.
Nader's decision, which did not come as a surprise to political watchers, marks his fourth straight White House bid -- fifth if his 1992 write-in campaign is included.
Ralph Nader is once again throwing his hat into the ring in a bid for the Prez's seat...for the fourth time.
It seems like he is doing it just because he can. This is the same guy who, in some people's opinion, put Baby Bush in the White House in 2000. This man actually had (still has?) the political strength to steer elections away from likely winners. We all know that Gore won the popular vote back in 2000, but because of the huge support of Nader, we was actually able to pull some key votes from Gore which cost him the election (IMO).
This being a free country, anyone can run for the presidency. Hell, I could even run in 2012 (being over 35 at that time). But, Nader running is just a bad idea. Why? Because he can really "f" things up for my "horse in this race", Obama.
Let's say Obama wins the Democratic nomination (which at this point seems likely). And it comes down to him vs. McCain. With Nader in the mix, the votes he gets arent coming from just independent voters, he is going to pull a good portion of Democratic votes as well. Not enough to get him elected, but probably enough in some of those key states, like Florida and Ohio, to sway the victory back to the Republicans.
Nader has long rejected his portrayal as a spoiler in the presidential race. In his NBC interview Sunday, he cited the Republican Party's economic policies, the Iraq war, and other issues, saying, "If the Democrats can't landslide the Republicans this year, they ought to just wrap up, close down, emerge in a different form."
Well why are you running then? History has shown that you can be partially blamed for the effects of the Bush administration. You would think after 5 failed attempts at the Presidency, you would realize that you aren't going to win. Sit your ass down and maybe Barrack or Hillary can straighten this mess out.
I don't know about you, but $3.15/gal gas prices is not sitting well with my wallet.
...but i could be wrong.
*In case you want more info about Ralph Nader (i hope this doesnt turn you into a supporter) go here. After looking at the home page, this guy is bananas. Kinda hard to say you are AGAINST him.
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Yesssss!! McCain Wins!!!
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