Happy (Belated) Holidays from "Full of Hot Air"

OK...today is my first day back on the job after a well deserved week off. Hence, no posts. Remember, no butt at work, no post on blog. I just dont have the hours in a day to dedicate. I think i worked harder on my days off than i would if i was at work....

So lets get back to it.

Let me first say to all who celebrated, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. If you dont celebrate it, take the time to thank those who, for the day off. I dont think its right for people who dont believe in Christian holidays to be able to take advantage of them. But then again, there are holidays that i should celebrate that often fall by the wayside. I really cant remember doing anything...ever...on MLK day. So, i guess an atheist is entitled to a day off on Christmas.

Holidays around the Balooger household are crazy. Even though i have traveled all over this globe, from the coldest of climates to the hottest, i somehow ended up right back where i started, which means my family is here as well. Me and Mrs. Balogger and the kiddies spend the holidays bouncing from house to house, so that everyone gets ample face time. Its great for the kids because people are constantly giving them money, but for me, its like my car has revolving door on it, because as soon as i get out, i am getting right back in to go to the next destination. I keep telling people that next year i am staying at home, but it never happens.

But anyways, this is a short post...just to get my fingers warmed up. and also to wish all of you a Happy Holiday season.

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