But I Cant Play with a Rain Check....

*This is about as close as some of you are going to get to a Wii before '08*

Man...i laughed when i read this:


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nintendo Co Ltd (7974.OS) said on Friday it will launch a "rain check" program to deliver the Wii in January to shoppers who can't get hold of the game console due to inventory shortages over the holiday season.


The Wii has become like crack to John Q. Public. Knowing that they couldnt (or wouldnt??) meet the demand, Nintendo, with the help of retailer gameStop are now offering Rain Checks for the Wii.

There reason behind this?

Allow me to quote Nintendo of America's president Reggie Fils-Aime The Rain Checks are "a great way for consumers who desperately want a Wii to be able to have *something* to put under the tree, a certificate that guarantees their family will be able to get a system in January"
Something under the tree....

I can see it now....

Christmas morning, Little Nathan crawls out of bed and heads downstairs. He's been good all year. He went to the mall and told Santa (who had a strange odor) that ALL HE WANTED WAS A WII. He looks under the tree and sees a lonely envelope with his name on it. He opens it thinking that maybe its a clue to wear Santa hid the Wii that he most definitely has earned. Little Nathan's dreams come crashing down on his little head when he opens the envelope and sees a Rain Check....that promises him a Wii by the end of January. In his frustration his 7year old mouth lets out...

F*** YOU SANTA!!!!!!

I cant believe that Nintendo, in what clearly is a marketing ploy to starve the customer of what it wants to drive up the demand,and maybe even the cost, is suggesting that a piece of paper with promises of a future delivery will quench that thirst of a Wii.

I have to admit. I felt the thirst, but instead of hoping one would fall in my lap, i got my ass up at 430am one Sunday morning and stood in front of my local electronics store with about 30 other idiots and paid retail price for one. Granted, it was cold as hell and it took me about an hour to warm up, but the thrill is gone.

Ever since the days of Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmo, and Easy Bake Ovens, there has always been that "gotta have it" item for Christmas. What makes us, #1 wait until the November/December to pick up these items, #2 Go through extreme measures to get them, #3 Forget all about them in 12months....Well i know what it is...GREED.

We have to have something because someone else has it and their lives are so much better with it. Look at the fools that stood on line for iphones and paid ridiculous amounts of money only to be financially shat upon a few weeks later when Apple CEO drops the price.

i am sure next year this time the Wii's will be selling for about $150

.....But i could be wrong

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