I know what you are thinking.
Is that a picture of the Hot Air Balogger???
Hell No!!! I have a mole on my left cheek.
A lawyer for the man accused of raping a University of Cincinnati student said the encounter could have been consensual because the woman has a history of sleepwalking
Dexter Ford, 52, is charged with raping the 23-year-old woman early Thursday morning near Interstate 71 in Cincinnati.
Dexter Ford, 52, is charged with raping the 23-year-old woman early Thursday morning near Interstate 71 in Cincinnati.
Lord have mercy...i thought i heard it all...but it gets better.
Ford's lawyer, Jeff Adams, said prosecutors told him the woman takes prescription medication and has a sleepwalking condition, a fact that will likely be the core part of Ford's defense.
I wont bore you with the rest of the details.
Basically Dexter's defense is she never told him "no" and if he asks her for some cooch, how is he to know whether she is dreaming or not.
Dexter....SHUT THE F**K UP!!!!
I cant believe there is a lawyer out there that is actually trying to defend this.
One has to wonder how she ended up walking down the highway, and how many people passed her before Ol' Dexter found her.
After they caught him, he admits to the police that he is HIV-positive.
If this poor child test positive, thats it. Her life is ruined, all because this piece of sh!t wanted to get his jollies off.
I hope they throw the book at him. I have no sympathy for rapists, child molesters, or anyone who gets a thrill out of taking advantage of a weaker person.
Dexter...say Hi to Adebisi for me
3 Puffs. Leave yours here.:
What do you mean you can't believe there is a lawyer out there that is actually trying to defend this? Ever heard of the constitutional right of every citizen to a fair trial? Ever heard of public defenders? It's part of their job to provide legal rights to people that the rest of society hates. Of course rape is heinous and Dexter Ford will almost certainly end up in a mental institution, but I'm bothered by the really mean-spirited things all the blogs are saying about the lawyer, who's probably just trying to do a (really tough and underappreciated) job.
I was just about to respond the same way, Jess, but you did it better than I would have.
Why does every uninformed person insist on publicly blogging as if he or she is an authority or expert or even an informed individual.
@ jess & anonymous,
Do you guys work for Greenberg and Bederman? You must be members of that ambulance chasing fraternity, because there's no other way you can rationally agree with what that sack of crap atty is trying to pull off.
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