A gay rights group is requesting Sen. Barack Obama to cut ties with gospel great, Donnie McClurkin based on comments Donnie made regarding homosexuality being a choice rather than how a person is created.
After reading the article, i think Barack is going to cut ties with Donnie. There are a whole lot more Gay/Lesbian votes than Gospel votes. But lets face it, the majority of the fans of Donnie McClurkin are going to vote for Obama anyway. Even though it seems like he is throwing Donnie under the bus on this one.
Barack has said, " "I strongly believe that African Americans and the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community must stand together in the fight for equal rights. And so I strongly disagree with Reverend McClurkin's views and will continue to fight for these rights as president of the United States to ensure that America is a country that spreads tolerance instead of division."
He stopped short of saying whether Donnie would be removed from his tour or not, but i think by him being behind Hillary in the polls, he cant afford to lose the gay vote.
But he can count the African American vote, at least about 90% of it anyway.
It always concerned me, why is it that just because someone black is in a prominent position he gets our un-dying support.
To be honest, i dont know much about Obama, other than the obvious. Black, Young, Senator running for prez.
Has he got my vote? I dont know yet.
Would I like to see a black president? Hell yeah. But the color of his skin does not solidify my ballot.
Unlike my brothers and sisters out there, I want to know what a candidate can do for me. I am not voting for someone just because he is black or a democrat. Thats just dumb.
I am a registered democrat, but thats only because when i was 18, i was asked what party affiliation i had, and i chose the dems. But people shouldnt label themselves. Be an individual.
A good friend of mine and i were talking about politics a few years back. He indicated to me that he always votes a straight ticket...democrat. i asked him why and his answer was,"I've always voted democrat. my parents always voted democrat"
A good friend of mine and i were talking about politics a few years back. He indicated to me that he always votes a straight ticket...democrat. i asked him why and his answer was,"I've always voted democrat. my parents always voted democrat"
My father is a republican (And he is proud of it), my mother a democrat. Me...i'm just me.
During the last election, i listened to the candidates, checked their websites and asked myself
"Does he represent my voice on issues that are important to me?" If the answer was yes, he got my vote.
We need to wake up from this political sleep of voting for someone out of ignorance or based on what others in the past have done.
Do your research people.
Boy...did i stray off topic or what????
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