Why do they keep coming to ME???
Have you ever been approached by a family member, friend, co-worker who had the answer to all your financial woes and worries.
The answer is always not like anything else and is the best way to help make ends meet.
So because its a family member or friend, so give them your attention. They never give you the whole spiel. You always have to call some number, or attend some meeting when you should be at home rasing your kids.
On the call, or at the meeting, there is always some overly energetic person giving the presentation. He always gives you some run down about the financial situation of you and those like you. He throws out words like 'making ends meet' or 'just barely getting by' and you can get sea sick from watching all the heads nodding up and down. He may even start preaching and get a couple of 'AMEN BROTHER' type responses.
Then he presents you with the solution. The answer. The product, process, or package that is the embodiment of his company. He may even use testimonials from people 'just like you' who were down on their luck and they were skeptical, JUST LIKE YOU, but they gave it a shot and now they are making blah blah blah dollars a month.
So then they ask questions like "how much would you pay to be able to retire in 5 years" or "how much is this knowledge worth to you" or my favorite "how would YOU like to fire you BOSS".
All these questions get more head nods and more amens and before you know it.....
Now comes the cost...
Most of the time you have to pay anywhere from $50-$500 depending on the company.
So you shuck out your hard earned cash. They give you "training" which sometimes involves a 'mentor' to hold your hand and help you get that first sell, or reel in your first victi...i mean associate.
What they dont tell you from the start is the only way to make enough to 'retire in 5 years' or 'fire your boss' is to constantly hustle. get out there and bring in fresh meat. Get that $50-$500 membership fee consistently, because that's how you get paid. From your friends/family/co-workers.
The company that i was with...let's call them Try America.. sold financial freedom.
Hell, who doesnt want that???
Now in all fairness, they were a good company and they really did teach me about managing my finances, but as far as bringing in any additional finances...
That was a $200 lesson...well more than that if you count the licenses i had to pay for and tests i had to take and my gas money.
Its all the same...
They are all pyramid schemes. But they HATE that word.
"its not a pyramid scheme...those are illegal"
So they use terms like Mulit-level Marketing (MLM) to eliminate the negative connotation of the pyramid scheme. But its all the same.
My dad, has gotten involved with so many different ones, its pathetic. There was one that he got involved with that cost $150 to join and the only thing you got for that was a photocopy of ID theft prevention and credit card scams, or something like, but if you brought 3 people in, under you, you would make your initial investment back. And then everyone you bring in after that would just be gravy.
GEEZ....Eventually you will run out of people to harass, so then you have to rely on your 'downline' to make sure you dont have to work. I have heard folks say the hardest thing they do is go to their mailbox and open up an envelope with a check in it.
Come on people....no body can sustain a life style like that...THE WELL WILL EVENTUALLY DRY UP
The real victims of these scams are the lowly soldiers at the bottom who were just not able to bring anyone in. Their money is gone. And they are usually the hardest working ones. I should know...i was one of them. Statistics show about 90% of the people who get involved never get their initial investment back
Here are some warning signs to look for if you get duped into one of these presentations:
*Promises of never-ending income
*No actual product being sold
*income that entirely depends on your bringing in new members or purchases by new members
Now some MLM may be legitimate if you can make a living off selling a product, but if they stress bringing in new folks, that should tell you that your new folks increases the amount of those checks they are getting out of their mailbox while you are still working your 9-5 and selling Amway at the same time.
Now for those you already in a MLM program, thinking about getting into one, or no know someone in one, please be careful. Make sure you can see an IMMEDIATE value for yourself. One that doesnt involve dipping into someone else's pockets. If you want to make more money, the best and most fool proof way is to put more info in your noodle and make your self marketable...to either a company offering a higher paying job, or starting your own business, offering a useful product or service. But regardless, do your homework. Open a book or surf the web before jumping feet first into anything.
Some say I am negative, or call me pessimistic because i am always looking for an angle, but I call it being realistic.
You cant take my money unless, in some way, shape, or form, i give it to you
....but i could be wrong
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2 Puffs. Leave yours here.:
Wow, talk about reading my mind. Yesterday, an old friend who has never exactly been "well to do" sent me and a few others an inquiry about purchasing redskins tix from him. So immediately I'm thinking "no way this Negro can afford Skins tix." Sure enough, turns out he just joined some MLM scheme that's a "virtual travel agency". BS, that dude just lost $500.
If its too good to be true... Then you should probably get a weekend job at CVS. At least you don't have to "recruit" to get paid.
Great post!
I know that this is slightly off the topic, but I can't stand the people who get you to help support there, childs school, boyscouts ect, This happens in my office almost daily. When I see Ms.Ann coming with a big back of pop corn or candy I run like hell. There should be a law against 3 party pandhandling in the office
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