What Happened to Whoopin's/Beatin's/Spankin's

Check this out

Since the article is so short, i will save you from having to read my "in-betweens".
Basically, the Japanese teacher was getting props for actually being tough on kids. Props to him!!!

It makes me look back on my youth. My days of innocence. Back to a time when we were young and carefree. Back to the days of being home before the street lights came on.

Back to the days of whoopin's

Now I really shouldnt have to explain what a whoopin is. Even if you call it by a different name. Spankins, Beatins...the meanings are still the same. "Laying your hands" on your child to get his attention, so to speak.

Now i know there are folks out there who are totally against corporal punishment. They say things like that teaches the child to hit, that it is immoral and teaches the child to resolve conflicts by striking someone.

Well i say BS!!!

I spank my kids (if you havent already guessed). And i am not ashamed of it. But the beauty of having done it at an early age (my oldest daughter got her hand popped when she was 7mos old), is that I dont have to do it hardly ever. My kids are 6 & 4 and today being the middle of September, i have probably spanked them, collectively, maybe twice this year. All i have to do now is mention spanking them and i get the desired behavior from them. When i take my kids out in public, i am always hearing how well mannered my kids are. Well, thats the way they are supposed to act!

I am so tired of going to stores and malls and restaurants and seeing kids running wild and being disrespectful of those around them and of the families members with them. I look at them and shake my head. And so do my children. They know right from wrong and they know when they see kids doing something that is a "no-no".

What happened to spankings?beatings?Whoopins?

Nothing pisses me off more than a disrespectful child. I've watched shows like Nanny 911, Super Nanny and all those "take my wife" shows. Its basically episode after episode of disrespectful homes. There is no way that kids should be allowed to be disrespectful to their parents or another adult. A bad kid is sign of bad parenting.

Control your kids. And i am not saying beat them if they color outside the lines. But teach them to follow the rules. Some kids respond to spankings, some kids respond to 'time outs'. I have tried both. What i have found with my kids (yours may be different) is that when i need to correct an action before it gets out of hand, a stern voice and a pop on the ass gets the point across.

And to further seal the deal, about 30min after the last spanking i gave my daughter, she came up to me and said "daddy, i am sorry for acting bad. i wont do it again" That tells me that #1 she knew what she did was wrong. #2 She knows that if she does it again she is at risk for another spanking #3 it was important to her to let me know she was sorry. Not because of the spanking, but because she knew that she did something i did not like. My mom is proud of the "father" she raised.

Now to tie this in to the article above, there is no reason a teacher should have to discipline your child. Your child should already know how to act when they go to school. If they dont, what the hell were you doing the first 4-5 years of their life??? People laugh when i tell them, but until i got in the 6th grade my mother would tell my teachers that they had her permission to spank me, if i got out of control. I never had one teacher so much as raise their voice at me. I knew if word got to my mother that I was unruly...oh god please help me.

All that comes from good up-bringing. and i am passing that on to my kids.

So...to you kids out there....Do good in school, be respectful to others, follow the rules. That applies to everyday life. Work Hard, Obey the Law, Respect your neighbor. And when the time comes for you to raise a child and that child up and spits in your face..try this
but hey..i could be wrong....

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