Steak & Stank

There are some strange folks in this world.

I was IM'ing a good friend of mine last week and he tells me he is going to get a fillet Mignon steak for lunch. Always in the mood for good steak, I asked him where was he going.
He said, "The Strip Club"



He then proceeds to tell me about all the lunch specials that they have at the strip club. Fillet Mignon, T-bones, 12oz ribeyes. All for $3.

Then he says, to really drive the point home....

Lap Dances - $1

So let me get this straight.

I go to an establishment to eat and I have to deal with skanky whores asking for 100 pennies to dance.

I think i will pass on that one, bruh

Im not one to pass up a bargain. While a $5 meal + entertainment does sound like a good deal, how in the f*** can you eat with a disease infested cooch in your lap!?!?!

Being the good friend that I am, I try to convince him that maybe a strip club aint the best place to eat.

For some reason, I dont think I was convincing enough.

20min later i get the following text msg:

i luv 'steak & stank'


Im reminded of the old Chris Rock routine about guys who go to the strip club in the day time. ( i couldnt find the clip on youtube..sorry)

Anybody that goes to a strip club for lunch has issues. I can see going there for a bachelor party, or maybe a guys night out, but to eat??? HELL NO

You have to wonder about the quality of women there on a Wednesday afternoon.

I think I just threw up a little.

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1 Puffs. Leave yours here.:

Anonymous said...

What did you say the name of that club is???? LOL!

Steak and Stank sounds like the best CUMbo in all of the food industry!!