Reviews for Sale. Inquire Within

I dont put enough time into my blog to generate the number hits of other blogs that I subscribe to. What i put into is it what I get from it. Maybe if I had more free time during the day, I could post more and generate more hits. I like my blog and those few (and i do mean FEW) loyal readers I have seem to think so too.

"HAB, where are you going with all this?!?!"

Someone hit my blog to request(albeit computer generated) that I review another website today. Here is the description:

"The site brings in the beauty of Asian furniture to countries worldwide for all to enjoy.
They sell original collection of handmade, affordable solid-wood furniture made by manufacturers in Indonesia"

This presents a dilemma. The only thing I know thats Indonesian is that wee

Should I "whore" myself out and review this website, OR stick to my morals and leave this potential spamming nightmare alone?

I think the safer alternative would be to just go to the website and see what its all about.

The link in the email just point me to a 'snapshot' of the website. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Not a lot to gather from this. May not even be legit.

I could just click on the link in the email which says:

"If you are interested please click here to receive your money: "

" receive YOUR money"

Yeah. Ok.

I can imagine all the dam hoops I would have to jump through, just to get the few pennies they may be offering.

Not worth it

I made the mistake of trying out one of the "get paid to take online surveys" sites.

693 emails later, I think I finally got rid of them.

Its all a marketing campaign.

These companies try to entice unsuspecting folks (like myself and others) into signing up for a 'service' that they know people arent going to use (ie. online surveys, website reviews, etc.) just so they can seel your email address to spammers.

Being in IT, you would think these ploys would stand out more, but nooooo.

This time they used my blog to get to me.

They almost succeeded.

In previous posts, I have tried to herd unsuspecting sheep away from these tricksters. But I can be duped too.

Just this morning Mrs. Balogger sent this email to me:

Asking if it was legit.

These emails always have some blurb about"This works, I gots mines in blah blah"

A quick google and, to no surprise of my own, its bogus.

Its getting to the point where nothing is real or truthful or honest on the internet.

Kinda like the real world.

So, to , I am not a whore.

At least not a cheap one.

If you want my attention, sweeten the pot up a little bit. Entice me. Make want me to know more about your website.

Tell me you love me.


Maybe I am a whore

Move over beotches, HAB coming through

*HAB Note: Maybe it was wrong to post that guys email address....but F**K him. I hate non-solicited emails. Feel free to send him some!!!*

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