Florida calls for a Do-Over

[They aren't on speaking terms right now]

In an effort to stay abreast of the political scene, and to ensure i didn't miss spend my 2600 Japanese yen, I read all major headlines regarding the race for the democratic nomination. I have spent far too long voting for folks i had no clue about.

The fight for delegates between DaROCK and Sillary has grown uglier by the day, to the point where I will probably end up voting in my first primary in May.

But thats not what this article is about.

Check it:


TALLAHASSEE, Florida (CNN) -- Florida Democrats want a do-over, and state party officials have a proposal for recouping the 210 delegates that the Sunshine State lost when it moved its primary ahead of the approved time frame.

State Democratic officials knew voters' ballots wouldn't count when they were cast January 29.
The party is proposing a combination mail-in and in-person election to be held June 3. Fundraising and public comment would begin immediately.


A do-over? Is this backyard football?

Being an Obama supporter, I can see how this can help our cause. With his increasing popularity, while he may not win, his delegate count will improve, getting him closer to the magic # of 2,025.

But i have a big problem with the 'mail-in' aspect of this proposal.

Lets be real. Florida isnt known for its clear cut voting process. How many of you had ever heard of a 'hanging chad' before 2000? I hadnt. Chad was a guy i went to high school with. So when you ask folks to mail their vote in, i see problems. How long will it take for those votes to be counted?

And arent we still waiting for them to recount the 2000 votes?

Before the do-over goes forward, the DNC, the Obama campaign and the Clinton Campaign all have to agree to the terms. I know Barack has very intelligent folks on his staff and I hope they are not hoodwinked into agreeing to something that may back fire.

Obama in 'O8

2 Puffs. Leave yours here.:

Anonymous said...

A do over,huh? might as well get a drink and sit back.its gonna be a while!
jane doe

Florida Drug Rehab

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting article. I pretty much like it. Thanks for the post.
Victor Smith
florida drug rehab