The blog has been on hiatus.
A thousand apologies to my loyal readers. The job had me "bussin up the shifarow" the past few days.
Anyways...i am back so lets get into it.
USATODAY is reporting about a massive toy recall involving Aqua Dots. Apparantly when combined with water, these beads form the same chemicals used in infamous date rape drugs.
The report states that a 20-month old child ingested several beads before vomiting and falling into a coma. The child has recovered.
I have two questions:
1. Who in the hell would buy those tiny-ass beads for a toddler?
1. Who in the hell would buy those tiny-ass beads for a toddler?
2. Where were the parents while this kid was getting his "eat on"?
I have 2 kids and i know you cant watch them at all times but you have to always be aware of your child's surroundings. You should know what is in your child's reach.
Whether the toys could cause that kind of chemical reaction is a moot point. The child should have never had access to anything he could potentially swallow.
I am always hearing about the deaths of children after eating something. I have a cousin who has permanent brain damage because when she was younger she ate countless amounts of lead-based paint chips. This happened back in the late 50's in the inner-city projects. There was lack of supervision then too.
And while we are on the subject of lead paint. Who in the hell is still making this stuff?
And how does it end up on toys, Mr. Mattel?
I dont think toys made in China will be under my tree this year. My kids may try to eat that Easy Bake Oven.
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