Man...its hard to find something to blog about today, or yesterday while i am at it.
Not that there havent been big items in the news lately. But nothing is really hitting me hard. So...
This post is about nothing.
Just me babbling on...(which is what i do anyway)
Truly giving you a dose of hot air.
First Topic:
Just coming back from Thanksgiving. While sitting at the dinner table prior to the big turkey feast, my kids asked me about Thanksgiving. I gave them the whole spiel about pilgrims and indians and all that jazz. But what is Thanksgiving really all about?
Thats it. Thanksgiving is all about food. Whenever someone asks me how was my Thanksgiving, they are really asking "How was the food on Thursday?"
We have all heard people say this is the time of year to be thankful for what you have and show kindness to those less fortunate. But really, its all about the food.
And why is 'dinner' so damn early in the day?
If you ever invited someone to your house for Thanksgiving and told them dinner would be served at 7pm, they would look at you like you were crazy.
The latest 'dinner' i've had was 3pm. People are in a hurry to give thanks, i guess.
The menu is the same, turkey, stuffing, some sort of casserole and cakes and pies.
Next topic:
While searching for something important to write about, i stumbled across a story about Steve Harvey. Apparently , his wife is not too bright. This chick is suing Steve's lawyer for coaxing her into a divorce in which she got holding the short end of the stick. But i think the blame lies on her shoulders because instead of going to get a Johnnie Cochran or Gloria Alred type lawyer, she uses the same attorney that Steve uses. So you got one lawyer representing two opposing parties.
And who do you think the lawyer was more concerned with? Mrs. Harvey, who probably would mess up a good knock knock joke, or Mr. Harvey, who is still bringing in dollars? Case closed.
This chick should have known that she was going to get Munson'ed using the same lawyer as her ex-to-be. I dont care what race color creed, etc. you may be. All women know to go after the money when you arrive in Splitsville. She should have called Juanita Jordan for advice.
Next Topic:
I just saw an article on about Beyonce going country.
Who cares?
Why is "going country" a big deal? I know i wrote an article about Bobby Brown going country, but why is country the taboo genre when it comes to pop music. I guess thats the ultimate in crossing over for urban/pop/hip-hop artist.
But stop bothering us with it.
Let me know when Beyonce goes Polka...
Or when 50cent drops that new Tejano cd
Or when Michael Jackson decides to do R&B.....(yeah i said it)
...but i could be wrong
...but i could be wrong
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