It was one of those that has the pictures of ridiculously dressed brothers and sister....the hot ghetto mess type (which inspired the show on BET, originally called Hot Ghetto Mess, which lasted about a Hot Ghetto Minute) and it made me wonder....
Do these people....
have mirrors at home???
I have never been Mr. Fashion. I still have a pair of British Knights and suede LA Gears that I rocked back in high school. But I know tasteful from tacky.
And why is it that every time you go to a black club or a black concert, they always have the "picture man" there with his humongous backdrops of $100 bills or a Lexus on dubs or city skyline, or "bling-bling".I dont go to white or hispanic nite-spots so i dont know if there are similarly themed backdrops, but it never fails. Every concert I go to there is always a guy there with some huge airbrushed picture of the performing artist. And there are always folks lined up to take a picture with a PICTURE of the artist. And 10 times out of 10, the drawing looks nothing like the actual person.
Mrs. Balogger has pictures like that from her youth. Hell, even I took a few when i was serving in the USAF, sitting in a HUGE bamboo chair with all my friends gathered around me like I was king.
The real scam is the cost of these pictures. Now like i said its been awhile since i took one, but back in 94, $5 got you a polaroid snap shop in front of Tupac, a NYC skyline or a BMW sitting on Daytons (this was way before twenny fo's and spinning rims and other foolishness).
It seems like a pretty lucrative venture. All you need is a huge picture of a $100, a platinum chain, or hummer sitting on dubs, a decent digital camera and a wooden stool. All of sudden, you got your own Glamour Shots Studio.
I better start working on my drawings of Lil' Wayne, Ciara and a picture of "Superman dat Ho"
Maybe not that last one....
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