Quest to be the Traffic Man

My local TV station has been going through Traffic reporters like crazy the past few months. They cant decide if they want an on-air personality or a "voice".

The chick they got now is just horrible. She doesn't even know the correct names of the highways. And that makes a big difference when you are trying to to decide which way you are going to to take to work.

I have always wondered what it takes to be a traffic reporter.

So i did some research. I found the agency in my area that provides updated traffic info to the local tv stations. I also found an application to be a "traffic scout".

A traffic scout is basically a person who is willing to call in to let the agency know where the traffic jams are.....and they get paid for it.

So i am filling out an application. Yall might think i am BSing, but i am serious

If i can get paid to be stuck in traffic, then sign me up.

I will let yall know how it progresses.

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